Friday, April 23, 2010

Mayor Torsilieri to visit Far Hills Country Day School

Earlier this year, Far Hills Country Day School began exploring the possibility of installing four wind turbines on its campus. It’s never been done before in Far Hills, so people have a lot of questions.  On Wednesday, April 28th from 12:30pm-1:00pm Mayor Torsilieri and Mr. Geoff Price, a zoning official, will be joining a small group of Far Hills students to engage in a question and answer session about the proposed project. If time permits, they will also take a walk to the proposed installation site after the conversation.

The purpose of the visit is to have our students engage the Mayor in a conversation about the wind project. They hope to learn the Mayor's thoughts about the proposed work, answer any questions he may have for them, and seek his advice about the ways to successfully engage the planning board and community to bring this project to fruition. 

This should be a lively conversation that will give our students a better understanding of the planning and decision making process and should give our the Mayor and Mr. Price, and by extension the broader community, a better understanding of the project.