Monday, May 23, 2011

Far Hills Country Day School Wins National Award for Stewardship of the Earth

Every year the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education ( bestows awards for school projects based on an announced theme. The theme for this year’s competition was Stewardship of the Earth, and Far Hills Country Day School is pleased to announce that it won second place in CSEE’s national competition!

Students participate in some form or service at every grade level. Not only is service linked to in-class learning at Far Hills Country Day, it is also regularly accompanied by reflection. The service program’s emphasis on stewardship of the earth stems from key statements in the Far Hills Country Day School mission statement, most notably the call for responsible citizenship and the importance of valuing all relationships. The development of empathy is an essential component of both curricular work and service work. The school is intentional in its efforts to nurture skills and capacities for environmental stewardship at every stage of children’s development.

The youngest of students at Far Hills plant seedlings in a student-designed garden-and some of their harvest makes its way into the school cafeteria. Older students are active in recycling efforts and making presentations about recycling and renewable resources. By the seventh and eighth grades, FHCDS students have developed their skills such that they can extend their influence in a variety of ways, and with multiple audiences. Middle school students have formed an Energy Task Force to help lead their peers, and the community as a whole, to reduce energy consumption.

FHCDS's application for the award included extensive documentation including photos and student work that set the school apart from many other schools on a national level. This award is a great affirmation of the fine work Far Hills Country Day School students are doing to care for and educate others about the earth.